Robert, Leipzig

29, Photographer
Shirt: Junk Deluxe Jacket: Eddy's Jackets Pants: H&M Shoes: Hummel
»Leipzig’s scene is always pretty lively and happening and influenced by different cultural streams that come together here. Especially in the summer when there are lots of open-air events.«
Ralf, Leipzig

27, Student Photography
Pullover & Pants: Benetton Shoes: Adidas
»Apart from Berlin, Leipzig is definitely the most interesting city in Eastern Germany. I think it’s brilliant that it’s all so relaxed here, like a big family where you’re always bumping into the same people over and over again.«
Markus, Leipzig

23, Cook
Shirt, Hoodie, Sweatshirt & Pants: H&M Leather jacket: Humana Shoes: Weekday / Stockholm Scarf: Miss Hippie Bag: found item
»I come from the Westerwald and have been living in Leipzig for a year now. Before that I was here for four days for a visit and fell in love with the city straight away because the people are so open-hearted and warm.«
Joerg, Leipzig

25, Graphic Designer
Pullover & Jacket: P&C Pants: H&M Belt: Devil Connection Shoes: from Italy
»I came here to study and after that just ended up staying. Originally I come from Mühlhausen in Thuringia but there’s not much happening there. In Leipzig there is more perspective and I feel really happy her.«
Clemens and Marie, Leipzig

Clemens 24, Student Engineering
Pullover: Nike Pants: H&M Shoes: Adidas Scarf: Emilio Vincenti Cap: Okapi
»Especially in Plagwitz the architecture is really interesting. It’s a good thing that they didn’t just renovate the buildings in a dull way. Instead there’s been an attempt to use the potential that’s there much more imaginatively. For example by incorporating the canals.«
Marie 24, Student Arts
Jacket: Vintage Pants: Killah Babe Shoes: Springcourt Bag & Hat: H&M Scarf: from Mexiko
»I am just visiting, because I was at a good party yesterday. Before I moved to Berlin I thought about moving here because it’s so much more rough and ready. But at the end of the day the city is just too small for me.«
Coque, Leipzig

32, Designer Graphic & Web
Pullover: Luxoir Pants: Levi's Shoes: Vans
»Here in Schleußig a scene is growing that is characterised by freedom and plenty of cultural interest, but is less leftwing-alternative than in Connewitz.«
Iris, Leipzig

38, Shop Owner
Dress: Skunkfunk Stockings: Fogal Trenchcoat: Secondhand Shoes: Yves
»What I particularly like about Leipzig is the collective experimental spirit. You can try something and fail without being judged for it. People here are simply open, interested and down-to-earth. Nevertheless, every now and again you are accused of doing or suggesting things that are typically ‘West German’, for example if I talk about strategic market ideas in terms of my business.«
Salome, Leipzig
28, Designer
Top: Synthiekate Pants: Aca Joe Boots: Roland
»People from Leipzig are more practical when it comes to fashion. You have to look pretty hard to find truly innovative clothing«
Sebastian, Leipzig

29, Graphic Designer
Jacket: Ezekiel Pants: Nudie Shoes: Converse Hat: Dust Productions
»I was born and bred in Leipzig, but live in Cologne now. I do still always like coming home though. Especially because this is where my parents and a few good friends live, but also because it’s exciting and interesting to see how the city is developing.«
Siri and William, Leipzig
Siri 59, Shop Owner
Pullover: Vintage Skirt: Sweet Valley Boots: Vintage
»I love petticoats skirts, furs and handbags from the fifties. I also like the styles my daughters wear.«
William 59, Shop Owner
Outfit: Vintage Shoes: Dr. Martens
»Leipzig is a small city with a big atmosphere. The only thing missing is a big river.«
Steve, Leipzig

19, Seller in a Skateshop
Sweatshirt: Ezekiel Pants: Levi's Jacket: Mazine Sneakers: Vans Belt: Volcom Hat: Nixon
»My favourite part of town is Connewitz, the best place for shopping, eating out and meeting up for a drink or two.«
Uwe-Karsten, Leipzig

44, Gallery Owner and Artist
Outfit: Adidas
»The scene here is very fluid and varied but still small enough to be intimate. Specifically for my project, I’ve often received financial support and helping hands from local artists I am friends with. This shows that people here are genuinely interested in one another.«