
Claudia, Montreal


30, Co-founder of Bovile

Shirt: Vintage
Pants: Denis Gagnon
Glasses: Marc Jacobs
Bracelets: Sharon Alouf
Bag: Isabel Marant
Shoes: Givenchy

»The fashion scene in Montreal is a tender shoot...but it’s beginning to sprout buds!«

Tags: ISSUE 01/2012
Category: Montreal

Tamara, Montreal


26, Jewellery Designer

Top: From Bali
Pants: Baboushka
Necklace & earrings: This Ilk
Brooch & Ring: From Senegal
Bag: Vintage
Shoes: Chinese Laundry

»Everyone can wear what they want here – and it doesn’t matter!.«

Tags: ISSUE 01/2012
Category: Montreal

G'nee, Montreal


31, Singer-Songwriter & Blogger

Jacket: Marc Aurel
Shirt: American Apparel
Pants: Vintage
Stockings & Earrings: Aldo
Bracelet: From Hong Kong
Boots: Boots

»People here don’t like to be too outrageous. Montreal is more prêt-à-porter than avant-garde.«

Tags: ISSUE 01/2012
Category: Montreal

Arthur, Montreal


18, Student Political Sciences

Pants: Philippe Dubuc
Shirt & Boots: Zara
Scarf: Handmade
Belt, Jewellery & Bag: Vintage

»There is so much to see in Montreal. Whether it’s Europe, Asia, America or Africa you’re after: every continent is represented here.«

Tags: ISSUE 01/2012
Category: Montreal

Candice, Montreal


32, Blogger ‚Montreal in Fashion‘

Dress: 1861 Boutique
Jacket: Bedo
Hat & Overall: American Apparel
Bag: My Mom's
Belt: Vintage
Shoes: Aldo

»The rich cultural diversity in Montreal very much influences the way we design and the way we dress.«

Tags: ISSUE 01/2012
Category: Montreal

Nicholas, Montreal


21, PR-Blogger

Jacket: Ralph Leroy
Shirt: H&M
Hot Pants & Shoes: Vintage
Glasses: Persol
Bow Tie: From Italy

»For me, Montreal embodies the perfect mix of Europe and New York, with the tiny difference that it’s more relaxed here. We are fashionable, but we still wear what we like!«

Tags: ISSUE 01/2012
Category: Montreal

Kim, Montreal


19, Blogger & Student Fashion Marketing

Shirt and Belt: Vintage
Pants: H&M
Boots: Zara
Lather Bracelet: Vintage

»Toronto is considered to be Canada’s New York, but I think Montreal is much more creative!«

Tags: ISSUE 01/2012
Category: Montreal

Melika, Montreal


29, Stylist, Blogger & Purchasing Agent

Dress and shoes: Zara
Sweater and bag: H&M
Bracelet: Anne-Marie Chagnon

»Fashion is part of my culture, and I am really proud of the way that Montreal presents itself as a fashion metropolis. I always try and wear something by one of our local designers as it’s good advertising for our fashion scene.«

Tags: ISSUE 01/2012
Category: Montreal

Bianca, Montreal


16, Model

Jumpsuit: Vintage
Jacket: Simons Y Apparel
Shoes: Aldo

»Fashion is what you look best in. People in Montreal dress quite individualistically, they don’t just blindly follow any old trend.«

Tags: ISSUE 01/2012
Category: Montreal

Thoben, Montreal


22, Design Assistant

Outfit: Christian L’enfant Roi
: Leathersmith from Denmark

»I come from Denmark, and I get the feeling that people here work together in a much more open and relaxed way than they do back home.«

Tags: ISSUE 01/2012
Category: Montreal

Abraham, Montreal


21, Stylist

Shirt: Ugly
Jacket: Ann Demeulemeester
Travis Taddeo
Bag: Handmade
Hat: Jewish hat
Shoes: Rick Owens

»Montreal is lazy when it comes to fashion!«

Tags: ISSUE 01/2012
Category: Montreal

Spencer, Montreal


23, Blogger & Style Consultant

Shirt, Jacket, Hat and Belt: Vintage
Tie: Ogilvy
Pants: American Apparel
Bracelets: Collected from all over the world
Bag: Against Nudity
Shoes: Vintage

»I used to live in Ottawa and am really glad I live in Montreal now – I think it’s the most fashionable city in Canada.«

Tags: ISSUE 01/2012
Category: Montreal


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