Anita Tillmann - Managing Partner PREMIUM GROUP / Berlin

Mittwoch, 19. Juli 2017
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Anita Tillmann, Fotocredit: Maxime Bellestros

From the GOOD STUFF Interviews from J'N'C Magazine N°69 / 3-2017, Interviews: Cloat Gerold & Thorsten Osterberger

Anita Tillmann is the founder of Fashion Tech Berlin, a conference centred around the future of fashion.

What exactly does it take for a product to be called a „timeless classic“?
A timeless piece is supposed to stay beautiful and fashionable as time passes.

Will high-tech in the manufacturing sector make handcraftsmanship completely obsolete one day?
There will always be handcrafted manufacturing. Technology doesn’t rule this out. I think technology will complement the production and that this fusion will lead to innovative new products that have the potential to enrich our lives.

Will durability and timeless design be more important in a future that is focusing increasingly on sustainability?
Both the Millenials and their following generations are focusing much more on sustainability and fair trade than our generation ever did. They are born into a world of increasing environmental pollution and dwindling resources. Due to the fact that news is spread globally in an instant, people are constantly confronted with the problems, and this is resulting in a more sustainable lifestyle. But it’s not just about a sustainable supply chain, it’s also a matter of appreciating the value of a product. Instead of buying fast fashion that will be discarded quickly, the trend today is to choose well and buy quality products with a longer lifespan and a timeless design.

Which role will the aspect of functionality play in the future?
In Germany functionality has been always a very important aspect especially in the outerwear and outdoor sector. But it was never designed and kind of stiff. Due to the technical development and the attention of the creative scene I believe that functionality in Fashion is going to be globally more relevant that it is now for both men and women.

Can you imagine a younger generation spending more money on timeless, durable and functional pieces than on seasonal items which are part of a shortlived trends?
As mentioned above I think there will be more realities than just one or the other. As we see there are worldwide different needs and attitudes.

"A timeless piece is supposed to stay beautiful and fashionable as time passes."

What innovations will shape the near future?
I recently visited the Techtextile tradeshow: it’s fascinating what’s going on with functional and fashionable materials – from fabrics grown from micro organisms to garments made of orange peels to products with special enhancing fibres woven into the materials, to name just a few. The market is huge and holds great potential.

Can you imagine fashion that is not only produced with high tech fabrics but also looks very “high tech” becoming a big trend?
Sure. That is what happens to mega trends in general. There are always brands that jump on the bandwagon and try to profit.

Please name three timeless classics everybody should have in his/her shoe cabinet (and why).
A white pair of sneakers, a pair of loafers and some statement heels for women. A man should have a pair of white sneakers, tuxedo shoes and loafers.

Please name a very trendy product you are glad of having hung onto over the years (and why).
All Chanel bags and Hermes pieces make me happy; they always fit with any kind of outfit and speak a global language.

What’s your personal favourite “timeless classic” (and why)?
My vintage Rolex watch, which is 43 years old. It’s a beautiful watch and I still remember how excited I was when I bought it many years ago. We have two kids and I kind of like the idea that they will one day own a collection of special pieces that I have collected over the years and all the memories and moments with it.

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Tags: anita tillmann, good stuff, premium
POSTED by Cloat Gerold & Thorsten Osterberger at 12:45
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