Paper specs: Looking sharp!

Wednesday, 25 May 2011
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Photo by Oliver Rath

Paper specs: Fashionable playground hype or subversive surgical intervention into the world of overblown trend obsessions? Where the optical cardboard cut-outs adorning some people’s noses have left us feeling somewhat amazed and confused in the past, it’s not really all that different in the case of Berlin designer Cantemir Gheorgiu and his partner Marc Aurel Hartung and their fake glasses edition No.2.

So let’s get down to brass tacks: ‘Now the cardboard designer has developed a new finishing technique for this fashion accessory that is affordable for everyone: the LACE paper specs, which coat the cardboard spectacles with lace material using a laser technique. The LACE top models are genuinely coated in textile lace which is stretched across the eye-piece. The delicate material allows you to see others, but restricts the view from the outside. You get to be a real eye-catcher, but remain mysterious at the same time. After the presentation of the lace models at Fashion Week Berlin on 19. January 2011 the LACE paper specs are available for all and sundry at'


Photo by Oliver Rath
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Tags: Paper specs, LACE, Berlin, Pappbrille
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