Tokyo Art Directors Club Award @ Gestalten Space

Friday, 27 April 2012
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Whether we feel ‘lost in translation’- just as Bill Murray once did - when observing Japanese communications design, you can test now in the Berlin Gestalten Space. Up to June 3, the best works of the prestigious Tokyo Art Directors Club Award in 2011 will be shown there and demonstrate how vibrant the contemporary design scene in Japan is.

The gathered, award-winning and nominated works constitute the spearhead of the Japanese innovation in advertising, interactive media, graphic design, editorial design, packaging design, photography and illustration.

Gestalten Space, Sophie-Gips-Höfe, Sophienstraße 21 in 10178 Berlin


© "Baccarat 2010-2011 Promotion", Newspaper Advertisements for Baccarat Pacific. Art Direction by Kohei Motomura.



© "Human 100 Body Parts Illustrated", Graphic Design for GALLERY LETA. Art Direction by Daigo Daikoku.



© "SHAKE BEAR", Graphic Design for Tokyo Joshi. Art Direction by Tomohito Ushiro.
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Tags: gestalten space, tokyo art directors club
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POSTED by Magdalena Piotrowski at 15:45
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