Much new in the east: HUSH WARSAW Royal Edition

Friday, 13 December 2013
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 MG 2723

The second edition of the currently most important polish fashion tradeshow HUSH WARSAW did indeed present itself very royal. The Kubicki Arcades, below the royal castle of Warsaw, provided the perfect scenery for 90 carefully curated brands and designers from Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Lithuania and Georgia. The focus lies in the fashion and accessory section.

Founded two years ago, HUSH sees itself as an incubator for creative ideas and attracts with its concept equally 'profashionals' and end-consumers. The concept holds a uniform stall-design, the HUSH magazine - an informative as well appealing tradeshow-publication, plus a network with the independent online-sales-platform 'Showroom' – not least the lovingly restored location. With its' cross vault, the brick walls and the wooden floor, the Arcades radiate likewise warmth and elegance.


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Fashion meets Art: Agata Uchman and her label Numer



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Beside fashion and accessories some beautiful lifestyle products were shown at HUSH Warsaw


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More pictures from our Warsaw trip at

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Tags: hush warsaw, poland, tradefair
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POSTED by Magdalena Piotrowski at 12:09
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