Urban Outfitters x Bitching and Junkfood

Thursday, 12 May 2011


Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse would be pretty envious at the sight of the snazzy feather headdresses at Urban Outfitters made in collaboration with the hip London East End label Bitching and Junkfood. Stylistically poised somewhere between the Roaring Twenties, Royal Wedding and Pocahontas, the three designs would work well in a club, at a festival of your choice, as well as at an intimate pow-wow.

Tags: Feather Headdresses, Urban Outfitters, Bitching and Junkfood
POSTED by Magdalena Piotrowski at 15:48

Filippa K - The 6 x 60 Dresses

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

The statement by the Swedish label Fillippa K that they are offering 'Six dresses in a limited edition of 60 each' at first sounds like an aesthetic mechanism from the world of art rather than a profit-orientated fashion business. And the comparison is certainly justified: after all, each garment is a handmade one-off made in Stockholm and so doesn’t have much in common with the usual mass market goods.

Tags: Filippa K, the dresses, handmade
POSTED by Magdalena Piotrowski at 15:45

New trade show blood for the capital - (Capsule) is launching in Berlin

Wednesday, 11 May 2011


After the Berlin Fashion Week has proven above all its aptitude in mass compatibility over the past few seasons (as always, exceptions prove the rule) it could get really exciting this time round. The reason is the addition of (Capsule)’s style fraction, founded in New York in 2007 who are coming to rock the good old German capital between 7. and 8. July, after events in the Big Apple, Las Vegas and Paris.

Tags: (capsule), Berlin, Alte Münze, trade show, fashion

Burberry Eyewear: A rush of colour

Wednesday, 11 May 2011


Photo by Mario Testino

It might be hard to believe but, from a purely fashion perspective, the eighties were indeed good for something. The best example of sustainable stylistics beyond cliché-laden opulence in pink is, for example, the foldable sunglasses. This almost forgotten relic from a practical world is being brought back to life by the Brits from Burberry for the autumn/winter collection of their Brights eyewear line.

Tags: Burberry, sunglasses, foldable, Brights eyewear
POSTED by Magdalena Piotrowski at 15:44

Boxfresh pops up in Berlin

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

The brains behind the London street fashion label Boxfresh are no stranger to improvisations. After all, in the early days at the beginning of the eighties they were still selling vintage shirts with individual prints at flea markets in the English capital city.

Tags: Boxfresh, Pop up store, Berlin, Klub7, sneakers
POSTED by Magdalena Piotrowski at 15:44

Tiger of Sweden - Dance of the denim demon

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Now that the topic of jeans has been dealt with in the realms of film and music the Stockholm fashion label Tiger of Sweden has taken it one step further by asking nine young Swedish dance talents to get physical, interpreting a track specially composed for the ambitious project “Denim Moves”. Kitted out with the latest trouser styles, in all, eleven artists dance the soul of the blue gold in nine different choreographies.

Tags: Tiger of Sweden, Denim Moves, choreography
POSTED by Magdalena Piotrowski at 13:38

J’N’C 2/2011 – The latest issue!

Monday, 09 May 2011


We always suspected it, but now we know for sure: Mallorca has a life beyond the hordes of tourists it attracts. Discover the capital, Palma de Mallorca, with our City Guide and be entranced by the creative flair of the local shops, ateliers, restaurants and hangouts.

Tags: JNC Issue 02/2011

The Weekender - Issue 01

Friday, 06 May 2011


You’ve always wanted to take a peek into your creative busy next door neighbours’ flat with the seemingly wild social life, and have always wondered about how the bike-culture in the back-country of South Africa is coming along? To clear up these issues and a whole lot more on the topics of travel, lifestyle and careers we highly recommend our new favourite magazine ‘The Weekender – the magazine for insights and days out’.

Tags: The Weekender magazine

Dr. Hauschka x Mikenke: Eco meets Art Deco

Friday, 06 May 2011
Photo: Constantin Falk

The topics of ecology and sustainability appear to be massively hyped on the fashion circuit, but when taking a closer look, most of the products sporting badges of sustainability turn out to be purely marketing-motivated shams, whose only purpose is an image optimisation. Things are very different when it comes to the Southern German natural cosmetics pioneer Dr. Hauschka.

Tags: Dr. Hauschka, Mikenke, accessories, salmon leather
POSTED by Magdalena Piotrowski at 16:49

Toykio Store Opening in Düsseldorf

Friday, 06 May 2011

In the Rheinland area and nothing planned for Friday night? Our top tip of the day: a visit to the grand opening of the new Toykio Concept Store on 6 May. The specialists for vinyl toys, lowbrow art and pop surrealism, under the direction of Toy Giants' puppet master Selim Varol, probably the most crazy of all German collectors, have been causing quite a stir already over the past few years with their online portal, pop-up store as well as a crazy mix of exhibitions and art events, but they're now really upping the ante.

Tags: Toykio, Düsseldorf, Curse, The Achtung Achtung, Stefan Strumbel, Vinyl toys

Aigner: Vintage Voodoo

Thursday, 05 May 2011


It must be your lucky day! For all of you vintage fans out there who, on a quest to find the classic Aigner bag, have had the questionable pleasure of rummaging through granny’s and auntie’s mothballed wardrobes, the searching is about to come to an end. This summer season the traditional Munich label is finally re-releasing its legendary seventies bags with the golden horseshoe clasp.

Tags: Aigner, Bags, Accessories, Vintage, JNC
POSTED by Magdalena Piotrowski at 16:06

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