Mexico City

Joel, Mexico City


47, Fashion Store Owner

Shirt  John Smedley
Shorts  Paul Smith
Glasses  Philippe Starck
Shoes  Yves Saint Laurent

»Mexico City is wild, exciting and naive. That's why it's absolutely the hottest city of the moment. The fashion scene is booming and more and more people are moving here from Europe and the USA.«

Tags: ISSUE 04/2011, Mexico City
Category: Mexico City

Ivan, Mexico City


22, Fashion Design Student

T-shirt  Vintage
Shorts  Bass
Shoes  American Apparel
Sox   Sox

»Mexico City is ideal for making contacts. I plan to turn my dreams into reality here. The city is like the fashion I design: loud, exciting and unspoilt!«

Tags: ISSUE 04/2011, Mexico City
Category: Mexico City

Garine, Mexico City


27, Fashion PR Manager

Outfit  Tory Burch

»I come from New York and I’m here to launch Tory Burch, for whom I work, here in Mexico City. It’s so exciting here. I want to come back as soon as possible.«

Tags: ISSUE 04/2011, Mexico City
Category: Mexico City

Erendira, Mexico City


27, Actress

Dress  Forever 21
Shoes  from the market
Ring  Sangre de mi Madre
Bag  from Colombia

»I was born in Mexico City and I love my hometown. You have so much artistic freedom here. That’s why I came back here after my drama degree in L.A.«

Tags: ISSUE 04/2011, Mexico City
Category: Mexico City

Maria, Mexico City


23, Shop Assistant

Dress   American Apparel
Shoes  from the market
Bag   Vintage

»I live the way many New Yorkers do: I hardly leave my district, the Colonia Roma. Because I don’t need to. This is where everything that characterises this exciting city can be found.«

Tags: ISSUE 04/2011, Mexico City
Category: Mexico City

Theo, Mexico City


32, Artist

Leather Jacket & Glasses  Vintage
Pants  Helmut Lang
Shirt  Gap
Shoes  Converse

»I come from Greece and came to Mexico via London. It was a bit like coming home here. When it comes to temperament and style Greeks and Mexicans are very similar.«

Tags: ISSUE 04/2011, Mexico City
Category: Mexico City

Jessica, Mexico City


27, Designer

T-shirt  XDJ
Pants  And I said
Shoes, Bag & Glasses  from the market

»Mexico City is a surreal but also intimate place. I have my family and lots of friends here, and have lived here every since I can remember. But despite this the city always holds new surprises.«

Tags: ISSUE 04/2011, Mexico City
Category: Mexico City

Franklin, Mexico City


28, Editor

Sweater, Jacket & Glasses  Vintage
Jeans  H&M
Cowboy Boots & Narco Ring  from North Mexico
Tie  Rooster
Watch Grandprix

»Mexico City offers enormous creative as well as financial resources. The city is very fast, in every respect. If you want to start a project, this is the ideal place for it.«

Tags: ISSUE 04/2011, Mexico City
Category: Mexico City

Nina, Mexico City


25, Product Designer

Outfit  Vintage

»Mexico City is the place for me that I feel at home in. There is always something happening on every corner, there are lots of chances and opportunities to have fun.«

Tags: ISSUE 04/2011, Mexico City
Category: Mexico City

Aaron, Mexico City


22, Design Student

Shirt  Brooks Brothers
Shorts  Ambiguous
Shoes  Vintage
Bag  from the market

»Mexico City is great in lots of respects. But one problem is that money is so unfairly distributed. I am one of the few people who knows both sides: rich and poor. Before the economic crisis my parents were very well off. Nowadays I have to pay my own way, which I actually prefer.«

Tags: ISSUE 04/2011, Mexico City
Category: Mexico City

Manuel, Mexico City


22, Art Student

T-shirt   Vintage
Pants   Forever 21
Leggings  Gap
Shoes  Nike Air Jordan

»I want to look like a teenage-slut. That is my idea of good style. I wear almost nothing but American stuff, because I come from the north of Mexico. We always go across the border to shop.«
Tags: ISSUE 04/2011, Mexico City
Category: Mexico City

Erin, Mexico City


25, Fashion Designer

Dress Topshop
Leggings American Apparel
Shoes Office

»I used to work for Gareth Pugh. I'm in Mexico City now designing Aztec-inspired fashion. Ethnic fashion in an un-kitschy sense is the next big thing.«

Tags: ISSUE 04/2011, Mexico City
Category: Mexico City


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